Julia Pascal

Teaches: Theatre, Audience and Society: Tragedy and Beyond

Dr Julia Pascal is a playwright, theatre director and scholar.  Her texts are published by Faber and Methuen. Produced and published dramas include Crossing Jerusalem, Nineveh, Woman in the Moon, St Joan, Year Zero, Honeypot, The Yiddish Queen Lear, The Dybbuk, A Dead Woman on Holiday and Theresa. Her writing has been seen at the National Theatre; where she was the first woman director, The Tricycle Theatre, The Park Theatre, The Arcola and the Finborough Theatre. She is director of Pascal Theatre Company and has created site-specific theatre events for the Bloomsbury Festival. At the Wimbledon School for Arts/University of the Arts, she is a Visiting Lecturer and at King’s College, London University she is a Research Fellow. 

Pascal  has taught Writing and Theatre at St Lawrence and New York University Study Abroad Programs and Dramatic Writing for MA students at City University.  At the Royal Central School of Speech and Drama she is a Visiting Lecturer. 

Awards include a Fellowship from the National Endowment for Science, Technology & the Arts.

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