How It Works

Thinking about studying in London for US-valid credit? Then look no further! Here’s what you need to know…

American undergraduates may apply for a GEO in London programme via the main GEO site, or via their home campus – check with your study abroad office to find out which is the best route for you, or visit our main GEO site for details.


Make your application on our main US site, submit all the relevant paperwork, deposits, etc…and once you’ve been accepted and given the green light, you can book your flight to London! You’ll be given lots of support from the Oregon office staff along the way.

Once you get to the UK, the London staff takes over the helm! We know London like the back of our respective hands and our mission is to help you get the best out of your experience here.

We organise your housing (unless you let us know otherwise, in advance), programme excursions, books, classes, local travel; we tell you where to be and when, give you advice on the best museums to visit and the cheapest (good) restaurants at which to eat…and we listen if you need to talk.

All you have to do is show up to class willing to learn and submit your work on time!

If that sounds like a good plan, why not visit our main Global Education Oregon site for more information and to apply? And if you’re still not sure, see ‘Why London?‘ and ‘Why GEO?‘ for more information.

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